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Type of Bus Route

Regular route

Bus route providing service at regular intervals, 7 days a week (except for some routes that run only 6 days a week).

These routes are identified in black on the bus stop sign.

Peak route

Bus route providing service during peak periods, from about 4:45 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., from Monday to Friday in the direction of traffic.

These routes are identified in purple on the bus stop sign.

Features of some routes

Neighbourhood route

Regular or peak route serving various areas of interest in a neighbourhood and converging at a terminus, such as a Rapibus station or a Park-and-ride. At the terminus, riders can connect with other routes serving the downtown areas of the Hull sector and/or Ottawa.

The destination (area/terminus) for the neighbourhood route is shown next to the route number on the bus stop sign.

Rapibus corridor

Regular or peak route using the corridor and serving certain Rapibus stations. These routes provide a link between the Gatineau, Hull and Aylmer sectors and downtown Ottawa (connection with neighbourhood routes).

See Plani-Bus for the routes, timetables and specifics of the bus routes.


The same fare will apply to all bus routes!


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