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Riding the Rapibus

The Rapibus corridor is exclusively reserved for buses only

We would like to remind you that the Rapibus corridor is bus-only roadway, all other use is prohibited. When you don't obey the signs, Gatineau police can issue a $100 fine plus administrative fees. The purpose is to reinforce the safety of you and our team by enforcing the by-laws and highway safety code.

We remind you:

  • use the sidewalks, the bicycle path along the corridor, or the streets going to your station. Never walk in the corridor.
  • use the pedestrian crossings to cross the corridor. If there is a pedestrian light, wait for the signal and check that you can cross safely.
  • at intersections, obey the traffic lights and check that you can cross safely.
  • at De la Cité station, use the pedestrian walkway to cross the Rapibus lanes safely away from the buses.

The Rapibus is based on a public transit system with feeder buses and connections.

Like a subway system: 

  • Feeder buses (neighbourhood routes going to the stations) allow the service to evolve in response to the travel needs.
  • Connections between neighbourhood buses and the Rapibus routes make it possible to offer higher frequency service and greater flexibility in getting around the city.

From home

  1. Start by taking a neighbourhood bus route from your home to a Rapibus station.
  2. Upon reaching the station, get off at the local platform or near the station if there is no platform, and go to the Rapibus platform in the direction of your destination.
  3. Once you are at the platform, take any bus in the corridor that is going to your destination.

From a station

You can go directly to a station by walking, cycling or carpooling, or by parking at a park-and-ride.

  1. Upon reaching the station, go to the Rapibus platform in the direction of your destination. Take any bus in the corridor that is going to your destination.
  2. Learn about ways to combine your modes of transportation.

Local platform

De la Cité, Labrosse and De la Gappe stations, which are the main hubs that connect with neighbourhood bus routes in the Gatineau sector, have local platforms. This is where riders get on and off the neighbourhood buses.

Once you are at the local platform for your station or nearby, simply walk to one of the platforms in the Rapibus corridor. This is where the buses travelling in the corridor stop for riders to board.

Note that stations without local platforms can be accessed on foot from buses that go to nearby streets.

Rapibus platform

Each station has two platforms in the corridor:

  • One westbound platform to the Hull sector, Aylmer and Ottawa
  • One eastbound platform to the Gatineau, Buckingham and Masson-Angers sectors

Station plans

See the station plans for the location of the local platforms and the bus routes that serve each station:


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