Communication plan

Take a look at the different tools produced for the Ligne verte for an overview of the project from its very beginning until completion, including all the different stages.

Reserved lanes on Gréber and Fournier

All efforts are focused on informing motorists about how important it is to keep the reserved lanes clear and explaining to them how to use the reserved lanes on Gréber and Fournier to minimize the impact of this lane on the clients of businesses in the sector concerned.

LeDroit newspaper

Ad published on August 22, 2008.

La Revue newspaper

Ad published on August 27, 2008.

PDF document: 139 Kb

(PDF document: 868 Kb)
(in French only)

LeDroit newspaper

Ad published on January 24, 2009.

La Revue newspaper

Ad published on January 31, 2009.


Document PDF: 139 Ko

(Document PDF: 139 Ko)
(in French only)

Targeted communication for businesses on Gréber



Document PDF: 139 Ko

(Document PDF: 83 Ko)

(In French only)

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